Joining the team: my onboarding experience at the Office of Natural Resources Revenue

In this post, our intern discusses her experience with our team's onboarding process and takeaways from her experience.

MDX, not your parents' markdown

We have decided to implement React components in our Markdown by using the new MDX format (Markdown for the component era).

Open source card sorting

We used GitHub to conduct a card sort and thought we should share what we learned.

Virtual Student Federal Service: my UX apprenticeship journey

Our second UX intern has made numerous contributions to and the Natural Resources Revenue Data website during her time with us. In this post, she discusses the projects she has been working on and takeaways from her experience.

Reflections from our Virtual Student Federal Service (VSFS) user experience intern

Our UX intern has made numerous contributions during her time with us. In this post, she discusses the projects she has been working on and takeaways from her experience.